Informal Sector

Partnering the Informal Sector for sustainable E-Waste management in Singapore

The informal sector plays a significant role in contributing to resource recycling and providing a livelihood for many in Singapore. For example, residents may have experienced selling recyclables such as spoilt electronics to the karang guni operating in the neighbourhood.

However, e-waste sometimes may be disposed or treated incorrectly after collection, and this can pose a major risk to human health and the environment. As part of the ongoing national effort to integrate the strengths of the informal sector with the Producer Responsibility Scheme, we invite the informal sector to join us in transitioning towards better e-waste management.

Any individual is to be considered informal sector collector if one or more of the following criteria are met:

  1. Self-employed individuals collecting recyclables/appliances from households
  2. Individuals collecting recyclables on an ad hoc basis with no fixed collection schedule
  3. Do not issue bags or bins for collection of recyclables under a structured programme
  4. Collection of recyclables are not carried out under the umbrella of any organisations
  5. Individuals collecting recyclables are not a registered company
  6. Individuals buying unwanted articles from residents
We would like to work with you if you are involved in the collection of regulated e-waste. Reach out to us at +65 3105 1608 or for collaboration opportunities and possible logistical reimbursement for regulated items delivered to our depot!